"Even though I’ve won the 1st Prize at the Les Borges Blanques Olive Tasting Fair for a couple of years in a row, I don’t wonna show off. Like every year, I keep calm and wait on the tree to be collected at the beginning of Autumm. This is the right period as I’ve concentrated the best of Southern Europe sun’s intensity during the whole summer and now it resides patiently in my interior. In Algerri, the lands that Teresa inherited from her father Josep Carles. From there, I am carried to Teresa Cousin’s Mill, Ernesto. He works us with passion and savoir faire. The first cold pressed starts in mid-November. I am green by that time. This is the story of an arbequina that dreamed to produce the best oil of the entire Terres de Ponent."
"The fact to be the winner during two years in a row of the first award of “Olive tasting fare at Les Borges blanques” does not mean I want to show off. As every year, I wait calm on the tree to be collected at the beginning of Autumm, when sun intensity got during the summer time resides paciently in my interior. In Algerri. The lands that Teresa inherited by her father Josep Carles. From there, I am carried to the cousin’s Ernesto mill. He works us with passion and savoir faire. The first pressing starts in the middle of November. I am green at that time. This is the story of an arbequina that dreamed to produce the best oil of Ponent Lands."
"Do not get wrong with my size! I am small but very tasty. In Lleida Lands I’m like a celeb. I am the origin of the best olive oil. I am softened up with a mixture of silvester herbs: fennel, thyme and bay… I am completely a vice… I challenge you that you can’t eat me only once."
"Like the Spanish traditional song “Verde que te quiero verde…” My colour is intense. Like herbs and flowers in a fresh and sunny spring morning. Many olives were convinced, so thus they accepted to be stuffed to enhance their flavour. Believe me that I do not need it. I am softened up with a very special mixture of aromatic herbs and caustic soda. What I’ve got from those techniques it is a light salty taste of fennel, thyme and bay aromas."
"Many people think I am just a simple peeled walnut. But those that know me very well, they think that I am above and beyond this: I come from very selected walnut trees from Almenar (Lleida) and I have been selected and broken in a traditional and natural way. With pacience and ability. Slow but Steady. I am preserved in my original shape and I am not broken into a thousand pieces. Once I’m perfecty well peeled, they caramelise my like champs. Now that my cousins - the caramel coated almonds, can’t hear me, let me tell you that I’m far more interesting…"
"Modifying a centenary recipe is more than a sacrilege. It is a risky decision and it can cause disastrous results. For this reason, when it was decided to replace white refined sugar by brown one, María Godmother was very reluctant. But after some trials, she gave up and accepted the reality: now I am healthier and my appearance it is more compact, crunchy and delicious…. I feel very special as I am unique… ;-))"
"Many people think I am just a simple peeled walnut. But those that know me very well, they think that I am above and beyond this: I come from very selected walnut trees from Almenar (Lleida) and I have been selected and broken in a traditional and natural way. With pacience and ability. Slow but Steady. I am preserved in my original shape and I am not broken into a thousand pieces. Once I’m perfecty well peeled, they caramelise my like champs. Now that my cousins - the caramel coated almonds, can’t hear me, let me tell you that I’m far more interesting…"
"It is said that I am a Healthy Jam because I am made of Top Quality Golden Apple from Lleida Lands, with cinnamon stick and with the minimum sugar cane needed. Although I do not know what they mean when they call me healthy, I swear you that other jams are so jelous of me. Jams with refined sugar and freeze dried fruit. Because I am healthier than them… now, I am wondering that… does it maybe mean that I’m far better than all the other? "
"There are so many ways to do things. Some of them make them good, and some others are just focused to make them bad. I am a very special jam. I state that I am very well done. Ripe figs are hand collected, one by one, from centenary fig trees very well selected from Algerri village. Anise is not a common one, so please do not panic about that! It is 100% natural and top quality. Sugar is Brown and very few. The outcome is perfect. I just don’t want to blow my own trumpet…"
"My Italian origins, specially from the Emilia Romana region defines my personality which is very intense in terms of colour, flavour and structure. I am getting old in an oak barrel. Like good wine."
"I am sweet and light. That’s why they use me to make a wide range of vinagrettes: honey, strawberries, mint… I give an special touch to salads and other courses, keeping their main flavour. And yes! I am different as I am not made of wine but sweet apples collected when they are ripe."
"I’m very Mediterranean as I’m made of muscatel grapes with strong fruit and floral aromas. My bitterness is perfectly balanced as well as my sweet and sour flavour. My white colour makes me get on well with tomatoes, raisins and fruit salads."
"I cannot get the point of the trend of floral aromas in wine… Does everybody love floral aromas in wines? Do not try to find flowers in my flavour but fresh and ripe fruits: banana, apple and peach. I am fresh and pleasant-tasting. I am Teresa Carles white wine. That’s me. "
"Being a Rosé wine is not easy at all. I have to visit the Psychologist very often as hardly anybody picks me. They normally prefer my Red and White brothers. I will not surrender and I will try to convince them and make them love me if they will choose me. If you go for me, you will find red little fruits, strawberries and light floral tones. Oh, by the way, do not dare mixing me up…soda and my are not good friends! "
"I am Teresa Carles red wine. I take a lot of responsability… to be up to the courses quality … aaaarrrrgggghhhh! But I am fine, because I believe in my. I am mature enough to make you feel my vintage 12 months in oak barrel and my red fruit notes, minerals and dry herbs. I am a good choice at a reasonable price."